
First Show

Before there was Evrvdav, there was a local Brantford show at Club NV in December 2017 dubbed IceSzn. The top locals were booked & they sold out the side room at 350 capacity. This show’s formula became Evrvdav’s foundation.

First Tour

December 2018 would see the success of The Now You Know Tour, an ambitious project to travel across the province and book the top local acts in 10 cities. This helped us establish our initial networking in each scene.

Market Growth

Through a series of one-off shows and 3 more provincial tours in 2019, Evrvdav developed a 3-show strategy and a lively consumer base in all 7 cities we had reached our 3rd show in, with promising numbers in the rest of the 14 cities.

Lockdown Pivot

A national tour of 30 cities was planned before the Covid-19 lockdowns. Evrvdav began focusing more on providing services as a result of the shutdowns, using our previous live event catalog as the backbone for our mission statement.



Pop-Rap Fest



Heavy-Rap Shows


Tour Route


All Ages Rap Shows


19+ Rap Shows